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SEPCCOIII held a kick-off meeting for the 2024 "Quality Month" event

2024-9-2 19:18:34

On the morning of September 2, SEPCOIII held a grand kick-off meeting for the 2024 "Quality Month" activity at its headquarters in Qingdao, Liu Minghua, general manager of the company, attended and delivered a speech, and Dai Zengli, deputy general manager and chief engineer, presided over the meeting. The meeting invited Li Jianzhong, vice president and secretary general of Qingdao Quality Management Association, and Li Lei, director of the comprehensive department.

Liu Minghua delivered a speech, emphasizing that quality is the life of an enterprise, is the cornerstone of the brand, in the increasingly competitive market environment, the production quality of an enterprise is directly related to the reputation and survival and development of the enterprise, "one time into excellence" quality control awareness, strict quality control system, high level of quality management ability is the key to winning customers, winning the market, winning the future. It is of great significance to carry out quality month activities to improve the quality awareness of all employees and improve quality control capabilities, which demonstrates the company’s confidence and determination to implement the outline of building a quality power and achieve high-quality performance of engineering construction. It is necessary to do the quality management work well, do it well, and make it effective.

Li Jianzhong spoke highly of the company’s long-term quality management achievements, and said that he would fully support the development of the "Quality Month" activities of Shandong Electric Power Construction Company, jointly promote the development of quality management, and hope that the company can continue to play a role as an industry benchmark and promote the improvement of the quality level of the entire industry.

At the meeting, the quality month activity plan was read out, and Dai Zengli put forward specific requirements for the "quality month" activity. The first is to improve the position and deepen the understanding. Based on the company’s new development stage, give full play to the subjective initiative of each employee and enhance the ability of the whole EPCO industry chain to achieve excellence at one time. The second is to strengthen responsibilities and implement actions. Each link should further clarify the division of responsibilities for quality work and establish and improve the quality management system. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen internal communication and cooperation, and form a good situation in which all levels are united and work together. The third is to pay attention to practical results and pursue excellence. Quality month activities should solve practical problems and come up with concrete results. Through the use of quality management tools to find the "key crux", theory and practice are combined to formulate improvement measures and programs. Fourth, strengthen publicity and create an atmosphere. Through quality activities, all employees can take action to jointly improve quality management capabilities. Make full use of various publicity channels to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees to participate in quality work and create a good atmosphere of hard work.

SEPCOIII will take the "Quality Month" as an opportunity to fully implement the work requirements of strengthening the country and the enterprise with quality, and take the company’s "14th Five-Year Plan" and the requirements of the "Operation and Control Year" in 2024 as the guide, solidly carry out the value creation of world-class enterprises, and carry out forging long boards from improving the management system, innovating and promoting the application of management tools and methods, and systematically carrying out technical and quality personnel training, making up for shortcomings, breaking through development bottlenecks, improving development quality, and accelerating the construction of a first-class enterprise leading international engineering EPC. With the company’s high-quality development, we will help build a quality power.

During the meeting, the personnel of Qingdao Quality Management Association visited the company’s corporate culture exhibition hall and learned in detail about the company’s development history and corporate honor.